Sarah Bailey |
Nigel Bates |
Jason Buss |
Lorne Currier |
Mike DeBonis |
Alicia DiCocco |
Mollie Klepack Flanigan |
Rhonda Forcier |
Lily LaRegina |
Chloe Miller |
Emily Mosher |
Kate Songer |
Keegan Tierney |
Justin Towers |
GMC’s field staff consists of the Long Trail Patrol, Volunteer Long Trail Patrol, and Backcountry Caretakers. The Long Trail Patrol (LTP) was established in 1931 as the official trail crew of the club. LTP members use their advanced technical skills and trail knowledge to work on high impact areas of trail. Volunteer Long Trail Patrol (VLTP) Leaders work with volunteer groups throughout the season on projects along the Appalachian Trail in Vermont. Backcountry Caretakers employ hiker education and backcountry stewardship to ensure hiker safety and natural resource protection. Caretakers can be found in up to 14 locations in Vermont.