Do you have a group of friends, coworkers, or students who want to volunteer their time and give back to the Long Trail?
The Green Mountain Club Service Learning program works with businesses, summer camps, scout troops, college orientation programs, and many other organized groups to complete construction and maintenance projects on the Long Trail. Volunteering for the Green Mountain Club through a Group Service trip is a great way to give back to the Long Trail while also engaging the community of your office, scout troop, or school in a healthy, productive, and generous way.
The Green Mountain Club Service Learning program will work with you to identify trail projects that are a good fit for your group and that will accomplish mutual goals of improving the Long Trail while having fun in the woods. If you have a specific project you’d like to work on, please share and we’ll work together to plan and schedule.
Examples of 2019 partners and projects include:

- Williams Outdoor Orientation for Living as First Years
Cut 1/4 mile of new trail tread for the Long Trail/Appalachian Trail re-location at Stratton Pond - Vermont Air National Guard
Carried lumber 2.7 miles to Bamforth Ridge Shelter to replace tent platforms - Sterling College
Removed trash and building remains from an abandoned camp on GMC-owned property
The Green Mountain Club will provide staff as project leadership. All tools, personal protective equipment, safety techniques, and instruction related to the trail project will be provided by the Green Mountain Club. Service Learning Groups are responsible for their own transportation to and from the trailhead/worksite, their own meals, and their own hiking/camping gear.

Here’s what Williams College trip leader Nigel had to say about his Service Learning Trip.
“Overall, the trip was a great experience, both for its ability to bring us together as a group and for the knowledge that we gained in trail work and sustainable camping. We learned a huge amount about trail work and picked up useful skills for future trips of a similar nature. Many thanks to the staff and volunteers of the Green Mountain Club for their enthusiasm and time.”
– Nigel, 2018 Service Trip Participant, 2019 Service Trip Leader
If your group is interested in getting dirty, having a fun time in the woods, and giving back to the trails of Vermont, please contact Group Outreach, or call (802) 241-8329.