Each spring, Green Mountain Club’s sections visit the sections of trails that they maintain to get them prepared for the hiking season ahead. Section volunteers spend the day (or days!) on the trail removing brush, cutting blowdowns, painting blazes, and clearing waterbars, all to make sure that the trails are accessible for hikers and primed for another year of use.
Sections are always in need of volunteers to help with this work, so check out the list of the section’s scheduled spring workdays to join in on the fun!
Saturday, May 21, May 28, & June 4 (National Trails Day) meet at UVM Visitor’s Lot at 8:00am or Richmond Park & Ride at 8:30am
Contact/RSVP: Pam Gillis, (802) 879-1479
Saturday, May 21 (Rain date: Sunday, May 22), meet at Beaver Meadow parking lot at 9:00am; stay until mid/late afternoon
Contact/RSVP: Tony Smith, (802)888-4645
Saturday, May 14: meet at MHS at 8:00am; trip will run from approximately 8:00am-2:30pm
Smugglers’ Notch on the LT/Elephant’s Head, Sterling Pond Trails
Contact: Andrew Nuquist, (802) 223-3550 or [email protected]
Saturday, May 21: Between Cloudland Road and the Connecticut River
Contact/RSVP: Bob Hagen, (802) 785-4311
Sunday, May 29: Norwich
Contact: Dave Hardy, [email protected]
Saturday, May 21: 9:00am
Route 140 to Upper Cold River Road, Wallingford/Shrewsbury
Contact: Herb Ogden, (802) 293-2510
Saturday, May 21: 8:00am-5:00pm
LT from Griffith Lake to Mad Tom Notch
Contact/RSVP: Dave Ratti, (802) 366-0698
Saturday, May 21-Sunday May 22
Kelly Stand Road north to Winhall River
Contact: Steve Crowe, [email protected]
Bread Loaf
Saturday, June 4. Meet at Ripton Community House (Rain date: Sunday, June 5)
Contact/RSVP: David Morrissey, Bread Loaf Trail Manager, (802) 352-1060 or [email protected]
Northeast Kingdom
Friday June 10
Bald Mountain Trail, Westmore
Contact: Dave Hardy, [email protected]
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