The Green Mountain Club had a successful fiscal year 2017 (May 1, 2016-April 30, 2017) and we have YOU to thank! With the support of our 9,620 members we were able to accomplish so much.
- Placing caretakers on our mountain tops and ponds to educate hikers, manage waste to keep it out of our water systems, and work on the trail
- Dismantling Hell Hollow Bridge in the Glastenbury Wilderness (with the help of draft horses)
- Completing the restorations of Taft Lodge and Bryant Camp
- Reclaiming 5 acres of overgrown vegetation in our open areas along the Appalachian Trail
Our volunteers once again proved their dedication to maintaining and protecting the Long Trail by giving over 10,000 hours of their time in varying capacities. From sending out membership renewals to cleaning out privies and carrying bark mulch, they really are involved in all of our programs. We have volunteers who staff Barnes Camp during the summer, each section has volunteers that are responsible for maintaining a part of the trail, and we have shelter and trail adopters and corridor monitors.
Below is a snapshot of the impact you have had on the Long Trail System. We really want to say thank you to all of our members, donors, and volunteers who make this work possible. As one donor said the other day, “I love the Long Trail so deeply-I’d rather be walking there than anywhere,” and we know this to be true for so many people. It’s because of your support that hikers get to experience the Green Mountains.
If you are interested in learning more about the work you made possible in 2017, please look at the full annual report.
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