Outdoor Adventure Storytelling Night
Tuesday, May 5, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Hosted on Zoom.
Participate in GMC’s virtual speaker series with stories told by YOU! Come throw your name in the virtual hat for a chance to share your 5-6 minute outdoor adventure-related story at this Moth-like storytelling night. All stories should be true, first-person accounts with a good story arc, including a beginning, a middle, and an end.
Planning to tell a story? Check out these storytelling tips!
Storytelling Host: Lizz Lach
Storytellers: YOU!
This event is provided to you for free, or by donation.
Sign up to be a storyteller!
Potential storytellers’ names will be chosen at random and you are not guaranteed a spot. Seven storytellers will be selected to tell a 5-6 minute story each with a theme relating to outdoor adventure.