Incident Report Form Step 1 of 2 50% Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Name(Required) First Last Phone(Required)Email(Required) Trail or Shelter (if applicable) Location Provide; guidebook page, map number, name of nearest town, road, or shelter; GPS coordinates, or NPS segment/tract number, if known (be as specific as possible)Type of IncidentCrimeFireSearch/Rescue/MedicalTheft of Personal PropertyCar Break-in/VandalismDisorderly/Suspicious BehaviorDrug/alcohol abuseSquatter/shelter misuseDumping (trash)ATV/ORV useResource damageAggressive animalOther(please check as many as apply; may fit more than one category)Who was involved? (provide names and trail names if known) Provide name, Trail Name, and contact information for anyone who may be able to provide additional information: Description of IncidentHas the incident been resolved? Yes No Ongoing Was incident reported to law enforcement, fire, or search/rescue agency? Yes No In process Name and Contact information of involved agencies Fill out following sections if there is a request to locate or be on the lookout for someone. Otherwise, click next and scroll to bottom of page to submit Missing Persons ReportType Missing or Overdue Person Person of Concern Description Experienced Hiker Inexperienced Hiker No Hiking Experience Name and Trail Name Home Address (if known) Race Sex Age Haircolor Height Weight Identifying Features (birthmarks, scars, physical attributes, facial hair, tattoos, jewelry, glasses): Backpacking gear description: Other equipment (camera, luggage, etc.): Description of clothing (type and color): Known or possible health problems (physical/mental/emotional): Personality habits: Vehicle (make, model, color, state registration and number, bumper stickers): Itinerary Thru Hiker Long Distance or Section Hiker Day Hiker Starting Point: Destination: Direction of Travel: Miles per day: Last Seen (date and location) In company of (Names, Trail Names, Description) Δ