Tom is a life-long resident of Vermont born in Proctor. Early years were spent in Rutland and Burlington. After graduating from college and serving on active duty in the U.S Army he returned to Vermont to live and enjoy this beautiful state.
He first hiked on the Long Trail as a Boy Scout. Hiking, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, downhill skiing, fly fishing, and kayaking are a few of his favorite outdoor activities. He has been a member of the Green Mountain Club since 2000 and taken advantage of the great classes offered by the Club. Tom is very proud of his end-to-end completion of the Long Trail.
Tom’s interest in the Green Mountain Club is to protect the Long Trail and insure that his children and grandchildren have an opportunity to walk the same natural trail and enjoy its wilderness beauty. Tom presently serves as Chair of the Trails Management Committee, President of the Board of Directors, and on the Executive Committee. He is sincerely grateful for the efforts of GMC staff and volunteers past and present.
He retired in December 2014 after twenty-one years working as a financial services regulator for the State of Vermont. He retired from the US Army after twenty-three years of active duty and service in the Vermont Army National Guard. An emergency medical technician, Tom serves as an active volunteer on the Shelburne Rescue Squad. He lives in Shelburne with his wife Mary.