David Hathaway grew up in the Midwest and first came to New England in 1974 to attend Dartmouth College. His first taste of New England hiking came the day after he arrived with a three-day, 52-mile hike on the AT from Hanover, New Hampshire to Moosilauke Ravine Lodge. After two years of grad school in California, David moved to Vermont in 1981 to work for IBM.
He began hiking in earnest in 1990 after moving to Underhill, where he and his wife, Carolyn Greene, still live (a 5-minute drive, or long bushwhack, from Underhill State Park). David joined GMC in 1996 while planning his first Long Trail end-to-end hike, which was intended as a thru-hike, but completed in sections between 1996 and 1999. He was recruited to lead Burlington section outings in the early 2000s by then outings chair Rich Larsen, and has led at least one trip every quarter since then, and at least one a month since 2015 when not prevented by recent pandemic restrictions. David did his second Long Trail End-to-End hike in 2010, again planned as a thru-hike, but completed in sections between June and December.
Upon retiring from IBM in 2014, David became outings chair and webmaster for the Burlington section. He is also a volunteer trail adopter (of Rock Garden Trail on Mt. Mansfield), a corridor monitor, and enjoys getting out with a chainsaw to help clear blowdowns on the trails. He has taught the GMC map and compass navigation class several times. In 2021 he became chair of the GMC Trail Management Committee. He also serves on the GMC Publications and Executive committees. In June of 2024, he spent a week on a Volunteer Long Trail Patrol crew learning to truly appreciate the effort that goes into building every foot of trail. David is Executive Director of the Vermont State Mathematics Coalition and volunteers mentoring, tutoring, and giving talks on STEM related topics in Vermont K-12 schools. David is an Adirondack 46er, and has climbed the AMC New England Hundred Highest Peaks and 19 of the Colorado 14ers.