Trail Maintenance Workshop for Trail Adopters
Date: Saturday, May 4th, 2019, 10 AM – 4 PM
Long Trail crossing at Route 140, Wallingford, VT
Are you a brand new GMC Trail Adopter, or a veteran Adopter who wants to practice and hone their trail maintenance skills? Join GMC Education and Field Staff in the field for a day of trail maintenance on the LT in southern VT, where we’ll go over the essential functions of Trail Adopters including brush clearing, trimming, waterbar and drainage structure maintenance, blowdown clearing, sign analysis and installation, blazing, and brushing-in unofficial paths.
Participants are encouraged to bring their own tools, but GMC staff will also have tools and gloves on hand. Please contact the GMC Education and Volunteer Coordinator ([email protected]) with any questions.
Instructor: GMC staff
Limit: 20
Fee: free! Must be a current GMC Trail Adopter
Age Limit: 14 and up
Rain or shine.
Please register at least one week in advance.