Peter Hope, who lives in Grantham, NH, with his wife Caroline, is the Ottauquechee Section Director. A retired physician, he now runs a small rural Post Office in Taftsville, Vermont. He has had a deep love of the outdoors since hiking in the Adirondacks and on the Long Trail as a child- at camp and with his parents. For over 10 years he has been a very active trip leader for the Ottauquechee Section, as well as for other hiking groups. His true joy lies in helping others appreciate our natural world. To that end, his trips range from easy walks in the park to very strenuous climbs, on and off trail. He sends out a weekly e-mail to his section listing many outings of all types that are available in northern New England and adjacent wild places.
He serves as Webmaster for the Ottauquechee Section, as well as for several other organizations. He is actively GPS-mapping many local trail systems in Vermont and New Hampshire. He serves on the Vestry of his church, and helps with an outdoor ministry in Canterbury, NH as well. French conversation and progressive politics are among his other interests.