The air is warm and the trails are lively! You’ve been capturing photos of your summer adventures all season, and now it’s time to enter them into GMC’s annual photo contest.
Enter to win a prize and a chance to have your photo featured in GMC’s print and digital media, including the Long Trail News! Any original photo taken on the Long Trail, its side trails, the Appalachian Trail in Vermont, or Kingdom Heritage Trails in the Northeast Kingdom are welcome. Submit up to three images in each category by Sunday, August 28.
Sharing your photos is one way you can support our work to protect and maintain the Long Trail and other trails managed by the Green Mountain Club.

Submission Awards
Submit up to three photos in each category: Trail Features (shelters, trails, signs, etc.); People (hikers, trail crews, etc.); or Landscapes & Views. Up to 10 honorable mentions will be posted for a Hikers’ Choice vote at the end of August. Winners will be notified via email by Friday, September 9. All winning entries will be featured on our blog and social media. Enter GMC’s Photo Contest using the form below.
- Grand Prize: $100 gift card to the GMC online store (good for guidebooks, clothing, and more!)
- Category Winners: $50 gift card to the GMC online store
- Hikers’ Choice: A custom, GMC t-shirt and buff

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